What are the 2023 interior design trends?

What are the 2023 interior design trends?

New year, new space, right? Kicking off a new year with a room refresh is a great way to shake the cobwebs out of your home. Not literally, you’ll need a pest control guy for that. While interior trends should always be considered with caution (do you love it? Or do you love it because everyone on Instagram loves it) they are a fantastic inspiration, especially when you don’t want to do a total overhaul, but just switch things up a bit.

These are our fave 2023 interior trends, from the OTT vibes of grand-millennial to the soothing energy of nature-inspired colourways.

Inspired by nature

Yep, we’ve taken our obsession with indoor plants and applied the same love of nature-but-make-it-interiors to furniture and decor.

From natural fibres like bamboo to hues that make you think of your favourite holiday destination (our Coastal Sofa reminds us of lazy beach days down the coast), we’re bringing the outside inside more than ever in the twenty-twenties.

If you’re considering this trend on a big scale, look for furniture that not only uses natural materials like timber, cork, and cotton but is also taking cues from nature in shape, texture and colour. On a more budget-friendly level, just updating your bedding to soothing colours can have a major impact on your space. We personally love our Le Linen set in Bush Scrub.

Koala Coastal Sofa in Billabong


This one’s for the touchy-feely types. Textured interiors are going to be huge in 2023, across all decor. We’re talking big, snuggly rugs, knobbly cactus plants - even rough, unpolished ceramics. The more you want to touch it, the better.

Texture is a fantastic trend to embrace if you’re not looking to completely redo your space, but want to add some fresh feels. We’re thinking tactile cushions thrown on your couch, a 70s-style shag rug and some wonky, rough pottery.


More than ever, interior trends are being dictated by sustainability - a great thing, in our opinion! This means finding furniture and interiors that are made with the planet front of mind is easier than ever.

It also means we’re being more mindful about what we need, versus what we simply want. Always look for products that you’ll cherish for years, both from a versatility perspective and from a quality one.

Grand millennial

A portmanteau of “granny” and “millennial”, this trend is exactly what you think it is - being inspired by nan’s lounge room. Embroidered pillows, op shop artworks, big florals, the gang’s all here.

This is definitely a polarising trend, but don’t underestimate the cosy, homey feel a few floral throw pillows and a quirky, lived-in armchair can bring to your home. Definitely start at your local op shop. You’ll find a wealth of grand millennial decor that’s cheap as chips, making this an easy trend to trial.


It seems that 2023 is going to be all about spaces that evoke a sense of calm. And curved edges are a major part of this. We challenge you not to be soothed by a room filled with gentle curves and minimal angles! Just look at our Modern Sofa with Chaise and see how “aaah” it makes you feel.

The best way to make your home a curvy one is to invest in furniture with soft edges. Some small, easy ways to add a little calm to your room? A circular rug, round throw cushions and candles or sculptures with smooth lines in neutral hues.

Koala Modern Sofa with Chaise

Multi-functional spaces

If there’s one thing the pandemic has taught us when it comes to interior design, it’s the absolute joy of a room you can do heaps of different things in. Hands up if you tried WFH life on the couch and soon realised it was, erm, not the most productive of spots?

But dedicating a whole room to a study isn’t always in line with how we want our home to be. Functional furniture that can create multi-functional spaces for us is paramount.

We’re talking WFH desks that can be easily dismantled for weekends (like our Workmate Home Office Desk, one of the first in market) through to room dividers that allow for a little privacy and space, but can be packed away whenever you like. Floor cushions are a great buy for rooms like these - instantly transforming the 9-5 study into a down-time area for whoever doesn’t want to binge-watch Emily In Paris.

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