Facts about Koalas: we answer your questions and more
It’ll come as no surprise that here at Koala, we’re pretty big fans of — you guessed it — the koala. Hey, it’s where we got our name from, after all. We thought it was about time we gave these little guys a moment in the spotlight, answered a few questions and brought you some interesting facts about koalas. We sat down with Tanya Pritchard, who leads the Koalas Forever program at WWF, to talk about all things koalas. We chatted about whether koalas are considered endangered (sadly, in many parts of Australia, yes) and if a koala is a bear (facepalm, no, they’re not).
And, of course, because we love koalas almost as much as we love sleep, we’ve taken a look at their sleeping habits and what they need to nestle in at night. Join us as we get to know a bit more about our furry little namesake.
Okay we agree, koalas are just about the cutest creatures around and we want to cuddle them too, but as wild animals it’s best to leave them alone
A bit about Koalas
How long do koalas sleep for every day?
Koalas can sleep up to a whopping 20 hours each day! Eucalyptus leaves take a lot of energy to digest, so koalas need more sleep than most other animals. They only get moving when they really need to – that’s why they always look so snuggled high among the gum leaves!How do they sleep?
These little marsupials are pretty epic sleepers (it’s one of the many reasons we love them). For a bit of shut-eye, they nestle themselves into the fork of a tree; they just pop their bum on a branch and settle in for the night – and day! Their strong arms and long claws are handy for holding on, and while they don’t fall out often, it can happen. So watch out for tumbling koalas!Do koalas have a mating call?
A fun fact about koalas is that you’ll often hear them before you see them! A koala mating call is LOUD. Tanya says the males make the most noise – a loud grunting sound – when they’re out looking for a mate. Mating season is in spring, so if you’re ever in an area with lots of koalas, listen out! You might just overhear a first date.What do koalas eat?
Koalas love a good eucalyptus leaf. They’ll happily have them for breakfast, lunch and dinner and can eat up to a kilo a day. These leaves contain toxins (not harmful for these little cuties), are very low in nutrition and are high in fibrous matter. As fairly fussy eaters, koalas will head to the top of the tallest trees to find the best leaves, chock full of the most liquid and nutrients. You can’t blame them really; we all love a good feed!How long do koalas live for?
On average, koalas can live for 10 to 12 years in the wild. Sadly, thanks to the destruction of their homes, their lifespan can be as short as a few months. Dangers like dogs, cars and nearby human activity make it harder and harder for them to survive.What should you do if you come across a sick or injured koala in the wild?
The first thing to do is call a licensed wildlife rescue provider for advice. Tanya explains, “It’s important to call for help rather than trying to do anything yourself. Koalas might look cuddly, but they can be aggressive.” These frightened animals don’t understand that you’re trying to help them, so it’s best to leave it to the pros.