Koala’s guide to Christmas home décor
No matter when you decide it’s time to dust off the Bublé album and start wondering, how many sleeps until Christmas, we’ve got you covered with our guide to Christmas decorating.
Christmas home décor is a fun way to achieve that comfy, cosy vibe that Koala is all about. But, as it turns out, sprinkling that seasonal feeling around your home takes a bit of work. So, like the good scouts we are, we wanna be prepared.
Bella Vie Interiors principal interior designer Lisa Alward has joined Koala to share some wisdom on how to decorate for Christmas. Plus, she takes us through how you can use natural materials and sustainable practices to get your home looking all spruced up for Santa.
Feeling crafty? Start planning decorations that you can craft at home with sustainable, natural materials
A Christmas dream theme
One of the golden rules of home décor is knowing your theme. And the same goes at Chrissy time. With an idea in mind, choosing Christmas home décor and the other bits and bobs that are needed is easy. Even the random kids’ decorations you collect over the years will still match, says Lisa, as long as you follow an underlying colour scheme or theme. “If you’ve got a theme and stick to it, you’ll have a more cohesive look,” she says. “Try to find a theme that suits your house and entertaining style. From there, choose the key colours.” Still unsure of what theme to go with? You can stick to the vibe of your existing home décor or opt for one of the other popular interior design styles. “The classic reds and greens can look great in a traditional sense. But if you’re trying to match the theme of your home, you might be looking at golds, bronzes and neutrals for a more casual aesthetic,” says Lisa. “Otherwise, base it on your favourite colour or a monochrome palette. Lovers of pink, for example, can mix in some metallics to make a shiny statement.” But what if you can’t decide on just one Christmas theme that you love? Take the advice from the little girl in the Old El Paso taco ad — have both. “If you really can’t decide, have two trees,” says Lisa. “You could put a more traditional one in the formal living area and maybe a coastal or relaxed-style tree in an everyday area like the kitchen.” We gotta say — that’s a tree-mendous idea.Tips for Christmas home décor that sleighs
While we can’t stop the kids, dog or cat from ruining the decorations once they’re up, we can still try to make them nice. These tips will guarantee that Santa slides into your chimney — and your DMs — this holiday season. 🎄 Deck the whole house. Chrissy lovers know that it’s not just about focusing on living room-cozy Christmas decorations. Lisa suggests taking it into the bedroom as well. “Throw some Christmas cushions on your bed to take the festive feel through the house.” And to amp it up even more, Christmas zhuzhing can also occur in the kitchen, laundry and entryway. 🎄 Create a talking point. A memorable centrepiece can add a festive feel to the home and double as a pleasant distraction from awkward dinner convos. Make one yourself with things like ribbons, twigs, flowers and candles if you’re feeling crafty, and change it around each week to keep things fresh. If they look good, they also make for great gift ideas at Christmas. 🎄 KISS (keep it simple, Santa). Sure, we might have changed that acronym up a bit, but at the moment, Santa rules the roost. Simplicity is the name of the game when it comes to thoughtful home décor. Because what you don’t want is for it to look as though the elves threw up all over the good room. Instead, a few carefully chosen pieces will make a bigger and better impact. 🎄 Put your furniture to work. Incorporate non-traditional things in your decorating — like on the furniture. Think a cheerful throw on your Koala sofa, Christmas desk decorations for a bit of working-from-home joy or a Koala organic cotton sheet set in Sea Foam for that modern festive-green touch.