What are the best sleeping positions?
We spend a third of our lives sleeping — yeesh. On the mornings that we find ourselves curled up like a pretzel, chances are our sleep was less than ideal. So if you want better sleep in a position that will actively aid rest, let’s revisit the three classic sleep positions and uncover the best position to sleep in for deep and unencumbered rest.
Side sleeping is the preferred position of more than 60% of people
Is there an ideal position to sleep in?
Back, side, stomach or reclining — what’s your favourite position? We all have our own takes on these different sleeping positions and absolutely swear by the ones that work for us. But still, is there such a thing as the best sleeping position for a solid night’s sleep? We spoke with sleep and clinical psychologist Andrew Mair to get all the sleep-related goss. “Comfort is key, regardless of your chosen sleeping position,” says Andrew. “If you’re getting good sleep and waking without aches and pains, by all means, stick with your current sleeping position.” Okay, but surely there’s a position that kicks the others to the curb? Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of all of the sleeping positions and what they could mean for you.The best sleeping positions
The best sleeping position is the one that supports your head, neck and hips while keeping your spine aligned. This might look different for everyone, but most of the time, people usually sleep on their fronts, backs or sides.Side sleepers
Side sleeping is the number one position for more than 60% of people. If you suffer from a sore back, sleeping on your side will most likely be your best option. It’ll give you adequate support from head to toe, as long as you’ve got the right mattress and pillows to boot.Which side should you sleep on?
Experts will typically suggest sleeping on your left, especially if you’re pregnant or suffer from acid reflux. You might also find that sleeping on your left helps with heartburn. Can’t sleep on your left side? There might be a valid reason for this. Perhaps you have hip or shoulder pain on that side, or interestingly, if you’ve experienced heart failure, you might find sleeping on your left side a bit uncomfortable. Give sleeping on your right side a go to relieve some of this discomfort.Back sleepers
A supine sleeping position, otherwise known as sleeping on your back, is great for keeping your spine aligned and supporting your neck. It’s also a great option if you’ve got a cold. Grab your nasal spray, prop yourself up in a reclining sleeping position — sleeping with an extra pillow can help elevate you up better — and breathe easy.Front sleepers
With most people spending less than 10% of the night sleeping on their fronts, this is the least popular position. It’s not the best for keeping your spine in alignment, and turning your head to one side can strain your neck. But if it works for you, keep doing what feels good. Get the right mattress and you’ll have all the support you need.